How to Create an eCommerce App: Step-by-Step Guide
9 min readJun 7, 2024

Are you ready to take your business online? Nowadays, having an eCommerce application is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With 2.71 billion digital buyers worldwide, the eCommerce market is booming. Businesses that fail to adapt risk being left behind.

Did you know that 73% of all eCommerce sales were made via mobile devices in 2023? With more and more consumers preferring the convenience of shopping on their smartphones, having a user-friendly eCommerce app is crucial for staying competitive.

Building an eCommerce software might seem daunting, but fear not! This guide will walk you through how to build an eCommerce mobile app. From selecting the right platform to optimizing for mobile devices, we’ll cover everything you need to know.

So, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding business owner, this guide is your ticket to eCommerce success. Get ready to unlock a world of opportunities and watch your sales soar!

What Is an eCommerce App?

You are here to learn how to create an eCommerce app. But let’s start by understanding this type of application. An eCommerce app is a mobile application that allows businesses to sell products, goods, or services directly to customers through their smartphones or tablets. It’s like having an online store in the palm of your hand.

eCommerce apps make it easy for customers to browse, review, select, and purchase items with just a few taps. They can view product details, add items to their cart, and complete secure transactions from anywhere.

These applications offer users a seamless and convenient shopping experience. There is no need to visit a physical store or sit at a computer; customers can shop on the go, whenever and wherever suits them best.

Why Develop an eCommerce Application?

There are countless benefits to developing an eCommerce mobile application. Here are a few key reasons how to build an eCommerce app helps your business thrive:

Increase sales and reach more customers. With eCommerce software, you can tap into the massive mobile market and make your products accessible to millions of potential buyers 24/7.

Provide a better user experience. Applications offer a smooth, streamlined shopping journey tailored for your mobile device, improving customer satisfaction and encouraging recurring purchases.

Build customer loyalty. An application lets you send personalized notifications, exclusive deals, and rewards, strengthening brand loyalty and customer relationships.

Access valuable data. Apps provide insights into customer behavior, preferences, and buying patterns. You can use this data to optimize your offerings.

The bottom line? Developing an eCommerce app is a savvy investment. It can boost sales and brand visibility, making it a go-to way to future-proof your business in our mobile-driven world.

What to Consider for Your eCommerce App Development?

Developing eCommerce software requires several factors. Here are some important things to keep in mind.

User Experience (UX)

Developing a seamless UX is an important step to making an eCommerce app. The user interface and navigation should be intuitive and optimized for small screens. Simple layouts, clear call-to-actions, and minimalistic design can enhance usability. Prioritize a seamless shopping journey. Users should be able to browse product catalogs and descriptions, add items to the cart, and check out with minimal clicks or taps.


Ensure the application integrates with your currently running business systems. You may already have inventory management software, customer databases, analytics tools, or ERP systems. Look for SDKs and APIs that facilitate smooth integration.


Implementing robust security measures like data encryption and secure payment gateways (e.g., PayPal, Stripe) is crucial. Don’t forget about compliance with standards like PCI-DSS. This protects customer data and financial information while gaining user trust. Regular security audits and updates are crucial.


Focus on performance aspects like fast load times, smooth scrolling, efficient data, and image compression. This helps prevent lags, crashes, or excessive battery and data usage that frustrate users. Optimize code, leverage caching, and use CDNs (content delivery networks) to improve performance.

Product Showcasing

Display product images, descriptions, pricing, and variations. Organize products into categories for easy browsing. Show related products, new arrivals, and best-sellers sections. Implement zoom, 360-degree view, and AR for better product visualization.

Marketing and Promotion

Have a solid marketing plan to drive application downloads and awareness. You can do this through app store optimization with relevant keywords and descriptions. Remember social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and email campaigns. Promotional offers or discounts for app users are also important.

Analytics and Feedback

Integrate analytics tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Flurry. They help you track user behavior metrics like sessions, conversions, drop-off points, and feedback. Review this data regularly. Thus, you can identify areas for improvement, new feature requests, and opportunities to enhance the UX.

E-commerce Application Development: Key Trends

The world of online shopping is rapidly evolving. E-commerce businesses must stay ahead of the curve to meet customer expectations. This section explores four major trends shaping the industry.

One-click Purchase

Streamlining the checkout process with one-click purchasing can boost sales conversions. Users can skip entering payment and shipping details by saving their preferences. This experience makes buying quicker and easier, especially for repeat customers.

AI Chatbots

Chatbots provide customers with 24/7 personalized support. They can answer common questions promptly. Adding AI-powered chatbots can enhance customer service and support. As they learn from interactions, chatbots become smarter at understanding user intents.

AR Experience

Augmented reality bridges the physical and digital worlds. It lets customers visualize products in their actual environment. For example, you can see how a sofa would look in your living room. AR provides an immersive shopping experience. It gives customers more confidence in their purchases.

Big Data

Using big data insights is crucial for personalization and targeted marketing. E-commerce apps can analyze user browsing patterns, purchase history, and demographics. This information helps in offering relevant product suggestions and customized promotions. This data-driven approach increases user engagement and sales.

7 Steps of How to Build an eCommerce App

Building an eCommerce app can seem daunting, but breaking it down into steps makes it much more manageable. This guide covers the 7 key steps of creating an Android app for eCommerce from start to finish.

Step 1. Research

Before you start building your product, conducting thorough research is essential. Analyze your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and identify gaps in the market. Understand the latest trends and consumer behavior in the e-commerce industry. This research will help you develop a unique and compelling solution.

Step 2. Figure out the goals for your e-commerce app

Clearly define the goals for your e-commerce app. Do you want to sell products, provide a platform for sellers, or offer a combination? Determine the key features and functionalities required to achieve your goals. This step will guide the development process and ensure your application meets the intended objectives.

Step 3. Define your target audience

Recognizing your target audience is crucial for the success of your application. Understand their demographics, preferences, and shopping habits. This information helps you tailor the app’s design, features, and marketing strategies to meet users’ needs.

Step 4. Choose the right technology

Select the appropriate technology stack for your application. Consider scalability, security, and ease of integration with third-party services. The tech stack determines your app's performance, scalability, and cost. Make sure technologies align with your budget and timeframe.

Step 5. Define the main functions

Outline your product's core functions and features. These may include product catalogs, filtering options, shopping carts, secure payment gateways, and order tracking. Focus on the essential features for the initial launch and plan for future updates and enhancements.

Step 6. Create UX&UI design

UI and UX are critical components of a successful application. Develop a clean, intuitive, and visually appealing interface that provides a seamless shopping experience. Ensure easy navigation, clear product information, and a smooth checkout process.

Step 7. Publish and Market the app

After thoroughly testing and refining your application, it’s time to publish it in the appropriate app stores. Develop a marketing strategy to promote your product and reach your target audience. Use social media, influencer marketing, and other digital channels to increase visibility and drive downloads. Also, you should install app analytics to keep optimizing post-launch.

How Do I Make an eCommerce App Without Coding?

The easiest way to create an eCommerce app is to use an app builder platform. There are plenty of no-code and low-code app-building platforms. They allow anyone to build an app with a few clicks and no coding required. You must pick a template and customize it with your branding and products. The platform will build the app for you. It handles checkout, payments, and inventory tracking. All you have to do is upload product details, photos, descriptions and set prices.

While convenient, no-code apps do have some limitations compared to custom-coded apps. Professional developers can take your mobile app for eCommerce to the next level. They can add advanced features and integrations that are impossible with no-code tools alone. They can also build custom functionality tailored to your business workflows and extend the app's capabilities.

Additionally, developers ensure the app is built with best practices for security, performance, scalability, and maintainability. A poorly built app can be vulnerable to hacks, slow, unstable, and difficult to update. Professionals follow industry standards to create robust and future-proof eCommerce solutions.

How Much Does It Cost to Create an eCommerce Application?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much it costs to build an eCommerce app. The expenses can vary based on many different factors. A basic e-commerce app with essential features like a product catalog, filtering, shopping cart, and payment integration can cost anywhere between US $10,000 and $30,000. Yet, more complex eCommerce app development with advanced functionalities can cost upwards of US $50,000 up to US $100,000 or even more. They have features like AI chatbots, augmented reality, or integration with enterprise systems.

Key factors that influence the overall eCommerce mobile app development cost include:

  • App complexity and features;
  • Platform choice;
  • Design requirements;
  • Development team location;
  • Third-party integrations;
  • Maintenance.


Creating a successful e-commerce app requires careful planning and execution. Every aspect is crucial, from user registration and seamless product browsing to secure payments and efficient order management. As you embark on this journey, remember that partnering with the right development team can make a significant difference.

Stfalcon is an experienced IT company with numerous successful projects. We developed a user-friendly platform for an online rental service that streamlined the rental process.

This allowed users to rent or rent out items with ease. The app’s key features include a Facebook login for quick registration, real-time chat for deal discussions, an integrated payment system, and an interactive map displaying item locations.

If you want to create a robust and feature-rich eCommerce app, consider partnering with Stfalcon. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and take the first step toward creating a successful online business.

Above, there is a step-by-step guide on how to create an eCommerce Android app. This FAQ provides a quick recap on the topic.

FAQs about Building an eCommerce Mobile App

How much does it cost to make an eCommerce app?

The cost of creating an eCommerce app can vary greatly. It depends on app features, complexity, platforms (iOS or Android), and development approach (hired team or freelancers). A basic app may cost around US $10,000, while a more complex one can reach US $100,000 or higher.

What are the key steps involved in designing and developing an eCommerce app?

The process of how to create an e-commerce app in Android starts with thorough research and planning. This is where you define your goals and target audience and analyze your competitors. Next, wireframing and prototyping help create visual designs and layouts for the app. The actual development phase follows. Developers build the front-end and back-end components. Rigorous testing is crucial to identify and fix any bugs or issues before launch. Once ready, the app is released and promoted on app stores. Finally, regular maintenance and updates are necessary to keep the app running smoothly and introduce new features or improvements.

What are the essential features that an eCommerce app should have?

An eCommerce app must have user accounts, a product catalog, search functionality, a shopping cart, secure checkout, payment integration, and order tracking. Additional features like wish lists, product reviews, and push notifications enhance user experience.

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IT company designing custom web services and mobile apps. Our goal is to create useful and convenient software. We are the founder of the Air Alert app